Product Filter For WooCommerce Product

Product search and filtering tool to improve buyer's shopping experience

Version: 1.2.2

Admin setings: Backend(WP Admin) > Products > Search & filter settings.

Set widget for frontend: Backend(WP Admin) > Appearance > Widgets > WPS Product Filter > Drag & drop at sidebar.


Search settings

  1. Search by product title have two option, Enable and Disable, to show or hide the searchbox for searching WooCommerce product by product title at the WooCommerce product listing page.

  2. Title before product title search box have one input box to take the text input for showing at the frontend above the searchbox.

  3. Minimum number of typed character to start product title search, this option allows admin to set a numeric number. Frontend user need to type minimum that number of words to initiate the WooCommerce product search.

  4. Search by product SKU have two option, Enable and Disable, to show or hide the searchbox for searching WooCommerce product by product SKU at the WooCommercee product listing page.

  5. Title before product SKU search box  have one input box to take the text input for showing at the frontend above the searchbox.

  6. Minimum number of typed character, to start product SKU search, this option allows admin to set a numeric number. Frontend user need to type minimum that number of words to initiate the WooCommerce product search.

  7. Product listing view, this option allows admin to set the listing orientation of WooCommerce product search result. It has 3 unique options,
     > Grid, for grid type orientation.
     > List, for list type orientation.
     > Grid – List switcher, this option allows frontend user to switch between Grid to List or List to Grid.

  8. Placeholder of product title search box, have one input box to take the text input for placing the placeholder text at the WooCommerce product listing page’s product title searchbox.

  9. Placeholder of product SKU search box,  have one input box to take the text input for placing the placeholder text at the WooCommerce product listing page’s product SKU searchbox.

  10. Add To Cart button background color, to set the color of add to cart button of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  11. , to set the color of add to cart button text of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  12. , to set the color of add to cart button hover of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  13. , to set the color of read more button of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  14. , to set the color of read more button text of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  15. , to set the hover color of read more button of WooCommerce product listing coming as WooCommerce product search result.

  16. Loader Image, this option allows admin to a choose loader image which suits best for the website between 10 kind of loader.

Attribute filter settings

  1.  Filter By Product Attribute, have two option, Enable and Disable, to show or hide WooCommerce product attributes for filtering WooCommerce product by product title at the WooCommerce product listing page.
  2.  Attribute Settings, by using this option admin can populate all the attributes at a single click, or admin can create the filter’s one by one.

Please note:
 – After successfully creation of all attributes you need to configure below option for each attribute box.
      — Status, to enable disable that particular attribute filtering.
      — Reset, to enable or disable option the reset option at the WooCommerce product listing page.
     — Title, a textbox for showing a text line before the attribute filtering option at the WooCommerce  product listing page.
     — Attribute, assign which attribute this is.
     — Type, set what kind of attribute this is, Checkbox, Drop-down, Radio buttons, Color field.

– This attribute only workable at the default WooCommerce product listing, Shop page. If you want to use on somewhere else, you need to customize the plugin based on requirement.

Category settings

  1.  Filter by product category, this settings has two option Enable and Disable, to show or hide the category filter for filtering WooCommerce product at the WooCommerce product listing page.

  2.  have one input box to take the text input for showing at the frontend above the filtering option.

  3.   , this option allows admin to set the orientation at the WooCommerce product listing page. It has 3 options,
      — Hierarchical.
      — List.
      — Dropdown.

  4. have two option, Yes and No, to show or hide empty category name at the WooCommercee product listing page.

  5. , this option allows admin to set order by Name or ID for fronted.

  6. , this option allows admin to set order Ascending or Desecding for fronted.

Custom CSS settings

Admin can write his/her own CSS rules for at the Additional CSS, textarea, but keep in mind no need to put ‘style’ tag there.

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